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June 29, 2006



You have done a lot of work and put a lot of thought into this post. However I think its much too complex. A Shoupista approach might be a much more effective and certainly more simplistic approach.

1. Do away with all parking requirements and let the individual developer or owner make the decision as to how much parking is needed in each development.
2. Set the parking rates at a market level, ie -- charge enough to keep 15% of the spaces on street empty and available.
3. Take the money generated from parking (both from actual charges and fines) and put it right back into the neighborhood from which it came). Build parks, increase lighting, clean the streets, make the neighborhood more livable.

The last one is the most important. If you do that, all the PR problems go away, plus you have a much better city.

People complain about parking fees, but they buy 25,000 pound vehicles and pay fifty pounds to fill it with gasoline, paying a legitimate fee to park it seems reasonable.

On street parking costs a lot. Local authorities spend a lot to provide that parking. They have to pave the streets, mark and police it, and maintain the area. The use of the land, even on the streets costs. The idea that you can drive a car and pay all the expenses to do so and then not have to pay when you park it is absurd.

Just my opinion.

John Van Horn
Parking Today


I think you have a thorough understanding in this matter. You describe in detail all here.


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