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Kalwant Ajimal has been working in management consulting and undertaking service improvement and service development assignments since 1984.

His interest in public services covers, a) creating customer access to key public services policies, b)how services are designed, c) how plans for improving services are translated into action, d) how they are delivered and e) how they are monitored and evaluated.

In the United Kingdon, public services are inspected by the Audit Commission. Kalwant is a former affiliated inspector and worked for the Commission. He is interested in how the inspections have affected services, what the inspectors have reported and how the inspections may have stimulated change.

This weblog is aimed at service directors and the customer who wants to know how public services are planned to deliver best value and customer satisfaction. It also advises the customer on what action to consider when services break down or fail to meet the customers' needs and expectations.

Please email for all enquiries:
[email protected]

Telephone: 01483 538265


All Public services- planning, delivery, evaluation and control. The management of change, strategic planning, rescue, recovery and turnaounds of failing services. Councils with enterprising and innovative programmes will also be covered here. All services connected to environment- parking, waste, highways, transport.